Death and dismemberment

Most people probably know Sam Raimi as the director of Spider-Man—if they know of him at all, that is. But for diehard horror movie fans, Raimi is a cult icon, and it all started with 1982’s Evil Dead. The plot is simple: Five college students on vacation find a deserted cabin in the woods and an ancient book that turns them all into zombies. The only way to kill them? Dismemberment. RN&R movie reviewer Bob Grimm calls Evil Dead one of his all-time favorite horror films—"It’s absolutely disgusting,” Grimm says—and Stephen King called it “the most ferociously original horror movie” of the year. Great Basin Film Society will show Evil Dead at midnight July 19-20 and at 9 p.m. July 21-23 at Ark-a’ik, 555 E. Fourth St. Admission is $TBA. Visit or call 337-9111 for more information.