City of Reno

The Biggest Little City’s government recently redesigned its Web site, and I have to say that the results are pretty darned impressive, as far as city Web sites go. It’s well-designed and chock-full of helpful information. Yeah, it has the usuals—like press releases from the city’s spin doctors (Your tax dollars at work!) and bios of the City Council members (Did you know Jessica Sferrazza-Hogan was born in Wausau, Wis.?). But it also has full agendas and minutes from City Council meetings for those city residents who have lives and don’t have time to go to every meeting like Sam Dehne, as well as applications, job information, business license and permit information, etc. This site is a credit to the city that can serve as a valuable tool, helping you get through all that bureaucratic red tape just a touch easier.