Bush did the right thing by going to China

There is much controversy with the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. There are many concerns with human rights—or the lack thereof—in China. With the President of the United States attending the 2008 Olympics, many believe our government is supporting China’s ideals. This is outlandish and ridiculous for many reasons.

First off, the Olympics are a worldwide event. This stands away from the country in which it is being held. They are meant to give a sense of international unity, outside the political realm. The Olympic games are not about politics. They are about supporting the finest athletes from each country, with the hopes that each country will bring out a sense of pride for their own homeland. This has nothing to do with politics or legislation that could or should be passed. Our government can’t put its nose in every aspect of the world; we can’t pass laws about everything. There are some things the government should not be involved in, international amateur sports being one of those things.

If we allowed the government to involve itself in something so cherished as the Olympics, we would be allowing them to destroy an ancient tradition. Of course, it is fair for the United States to oppose China’s strict views on the natural rights of all human beings. America holds some of the world’s highest standards of human rights and freedom. But we still can’t turn our backs on the 2008 games.

President Bush is attending the Olympic games, and some find themselves upset or shocked by this. No surprise there, but their actions are ill thought out and unjustified. By attending the games, Bush is doing many things. First and foremost, he is supporting our people over there. We have many Olympic contenders in China right now, and this country can’t turn their backs on them. Having them there is an honor for them and a morale booster for this country. Success, trophies and victory: People take pride in these things, and when they see their own athletes finding victory over the rest of the world, it bestows us non-participants with a sense of patriotism. Our country can always use a morale boost.

Although the president is attending the Olympics, there should be no misconception that he or this country is in support of China’s actions. President Bush has made it adamantly clear that he strongly discourages and does not condone some of China’s actions over the years. His attending has made it clear that some things are outside of the political realm. This is a grand gesture by the President of the United States. In not attempting to make this a political event, there is a sign of respect toward China, the Olympic hosts.

With mutual respect established, showing that we can put aside our differences for something like the Olympic games, the door is opened for future talks with China regarding their human rights issues and other aspects of their government and its role in the international scene. This respect will go further than a rude display would have. Had the President boycotted the Olympics, it would have been detrimental to China’s future changes.

This has also shown America’s own citizens that we are capable of keeping the government out of certain aspects of life. In this day and age, it is hard not to find government everywhere, going against the Founding Fathers’ wishes. It is a breath of fresh air to see something that is at least somewhat untouched by the government.

All in all, people need to sit back and enjoy the games. It is a simple enjoyment in life, one of the few left.