Best of Northern Nevada 2003

Cover art

The cover image that won our Best of Northern Nevada Design-a-Cover contest was painted by Valerie Cohen and is titled, “1970s: A Poseidon Adventure.”

Cohen’s work has appeared in national and international juried shows and numerous one-person exhibits.

“The ’70s you lived through, you remember with disappointment. That decade—when the revolution was not televised—immortalized itself through exhibitions of public and private dishonesty. My painting superimposes flat layers of text upon an image of depth that suggests behind it, the void. Headlines paper over a sense of forboding, anxiety or malaise.”

This piece is part of a larger series of 16 paintings titled “Framing a Conversation,” whose dominant design elements include a frame-shape, a central void and broken lines of inclomplete connection. Cohen is seeking a local gallery to exhibit this body of work.