A Christian view

Ms. Van Cleve is a local student. This essay is drawn from a school paper.

Abortions are detrimental to both individuals and to societies. God has declared in verses like Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalm 139:15-16 that unborn “fetuses” are indeed children, and God will allow personal and national judgments against those who abort, or permit to be aborted, children (Gen. 9:6). Abortions are detrimental to those who have them done because of the loss of peace, disease, and possible inability of reproduction that accompany abortion.

Abortions are detrimental nationally because those who promote them deem the unborn useless and a burden. Any society that can deem young life as an unnecessary burden can certainly deem the elderly as unnecessary, thus introducing euthanasia. Our nation has been harmed by the tremendous loss of industrious laborers who could have grown to be skilled members of society like doctors, lawyers, teachers, pastors, etc. Inventiveness and creative genius have vanished with these children. Medical cures, inventions, scientific discoveries, and clean, pure arts—many such blessings are gone. Our nation has also suffered a massive military setback. We have lost ambassadors—whose persuasion may have negotiated peace with certain of our current enemies—and noble generals, whose strategies are always needed. We have lost numerous everyday soldiers who would have loyally defended us.

We as a nation should be repulsed by the death of any child, let alone unborn babies. Sadly, that is not the case. Since Roe v. Wade, around 59.5 million babies have been killed in the U.S. For all the reasons above and more we should fight to end legal abortions. We need to contact our representative officials and spread the facts of the horrors of abortion. Pastors must expound this topic clearly. We must advocate adoption and open our hearts to adopting. Lives are depending on us.

For those who are too late in saving their child’s life, God offers hope. He sent Jesus, His only Son (and God Himself—John 10:30), to earth to die on a cross to pay for all man’s sins, even murder. Jesus, having died, then rose from the dead three days later as proof of His having conquered sin and death. For those who believe in Jesus, trusting in Him alone to save them from Hell and to forgive them of their sins (not trusting in any of their own good deeds for any part of salvation), God promises complete forgiveness and eternal life (Romans 3:24, John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Revelation 22:17, Romans 10:13, Psalm 51:1, Romans 5:1, and Ephesians 2:4-6). Though the consequences of sin remain, God promises to never leave nor forsake His own (Hebrews 13:5). He will walk with them through the consequences and through everything else in their lives.

Much is to be gained if our unborn children live. Much will be lost if they are aborted. Fight for them!