On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter

Rated 3.0

The 1971 motorcycle documentary On Any Sunday was a rare landlocked effort from filmmaker Bruce Brown, best known for his surfing films like The Endless Summer. On Any Sunday: The Next Chapter comes from Bruce's son Dana Brown, who has already followed in his father's footsteps with The Endless Summer II and Step Into Liquid. This new-fangled version is retrofitted for the era of Red Bull, an official producer and unofficial spirit animal, with the focus more on extreme sports junkies and tatted-up family men than on motocross racers and poetic loners, but the main draw is still the gorgeous slow-motion photography. It's a good-looking and well-paced film, probably irresistible to motorcycle enthusiasts (although I was the lone audience member at a weekend matinee show), but there is very little connecting these disparate vignettes other than corporate synergy and an unwavering enthusiasm for the sport.