Man on a Ledge

Rated 3.0 An ex-cop and current convict (Sam Worthington) who claims he was framed for a major jewel robbery escapes from custody while attending his father’s funeral; he winds up on a hotel ledge 22 floors up, but it’s all part of an elaborate sting to prove his innocence. Writer Pablo F. Fenjves and director Asger Leth concoct an outlandish cock-and-bull story that would hardly pass a freshman screenwriting class, but somehow they pull it off and make it fun. Clever editing and smooth digital mockups of Worthington cavorting high overhead help maintain the illusion that this nonsense is happening in the real world, as do supporting performances: Jamie Bell as Worthington’s brother, Elizabeth Banks as a disgraced hostage negotiator, Anthony Mackie as Worthington’s ex-partner, Ed Harris as the big bad villain.