Stubborn brats

Chef Jason Azevedo’s grandfather used to teasingly call him testa duro (“stubborn”) when he was a kid. Now, Jason cooks at Stonehouse Bistro in Rancho Murieta, where he’s known as a brat man. Bratwurst, that is, which he makes from scratch, along with a variety of other sausages and cured bacon.

It all started when he worked at Old Soul Co. and smoked bacon in the alley behind L Street. Then he was unemployed for a while and looking to keep himself busy, which, combined with trying to stretch a dollar, led him to sausage making. Now, Azevedo makes his meats under the Testa Duro Salumi label.

For October, he’s selling bratwurst made with ginger and nutmeg (rather than the usual five-spice or allspice), saucisse Toulouse (a French peasant-style sausage), Irish breakfast sausage (with potatoes and whiskey) and many others. You can try the sausage of the week during lunch at Stonehouse or order your own at <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">{ document.write(String.fromCharCode(60,97,32,104,114,101,102,61,34,109,97,105,108,116,111,58,116,101,115,116,97,100,117,114,111,115,97,108,117,109,105,99,111,64,103,109,97,105,108,46,99,111,109,34,62,116,101,115,116,97,100,117,114,111,115,97,108,117,109,105,99,111,64,103,109,97,105,108,46,99,111,109,60,47,97,62)) } </script> or through the Facebook Testa Duro Salumi page.