Trump survival guide

Pre-election, SN&R’s editorial team discussed how we wanted to cover the presidential inauguration. Maybe, we thought, we’d solicit “Letters to Hillary Clinton”—thoughts and advice for this country’s first female president.

Post-election, we considered the same idea but, eventually, couldn’t muster the enthusiasm. Not that we don’t have plenty to say to the incoming president but, rather, because he’s clearly not interested.

So, instead of trying to talk to Trump, we decided to take action.

Think of this week’s feature as your starter pack survival guide. Writer Sasha Abramsky kicks off the section with a call to action in California (See “Reject and resist,”). We’re fortunate to live in such a progressive state, Abramsky notes, writing “we must stand unified and uncompromising in our opposition.”

Elsewhere, artist Liv Moe offers tips on navigating the political fray, writer Amanda Branham has put together a useful guide to supporting feminist causes, SN&R associate editor Raheem F. Hosseini has crafted a killer protest playlist and SN&R columnist Ngaio Bealum has some very helpful information on using weed to survive the next four years.

Basically, we’re here to serve.

There’s Trump-related coverage throughout the entire issue, too, with stories on immigration, the electoral college and the environment. And, in our weekly Streetalk feature, we asked people to share advice with the new president. Trump may not care, but it’s enlightening nonetheless to read their thoughts.

We’ve got four years of this, but the time to make a change is now. Let’s get to work.