Third Saturday awesomeness

Annie Rose will showcase her Deranged Designs during Third Saturday, so don’t leave her hanging.

Annie Rose will showcase her Deranged Designs during Third Saturday, so don’t leave her hanging.

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Westfield Downtown Plaza

547 L St.
Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 442-4000

Screw air-conditioned apartments, because the bills are getting freaking expensive. Screw public swimming pools, because that shit’s getting closed down. This year, heat is in like Speedos on a European beach. It may not be pleasant to experience, but it happens, and you might as well embrace it.

So, to make your heat-exhausted summer amazing, SN&R will host Third Saturday Design Downtown on Saturday, July 18, from 3 to 9 p.m. Downtown Sacramento will be made over into a burgeoning district of creativity, complete with fashion, arts and crafts vendors. There also will be community art projects in which to participate. It’s kind of like a Second Saturday, but condensed into one block of awesomeness. And yes, this is just the beginning—Third Saturday Design Downtown will happen, well, every third Saturday.

But for all those who migrate to Midtown every Second Saturday without actually visiting an art gallery, we figured you’d probably need more incentive for this shindig than art. So there also will be live music from Zuhg, Musical Charis and the Kinetics, as well as street performances, more than 40 DIY vendors, food, and a beer garden. Mmm, nothing says summertime more than beer and the Sacramento heat. Embrace the awesomeness.