The supercafe

Illustration By Mark Stivers

I drove right by recently opened Pangaea Cafe the first time I was supposed to meet someone there; maybe I was distracted by the ice cream across the street at Gunther’s. But Pangaea is worth turning around for if you miss it. It’s a spacious, friendly place, well-stocked for a morning visit with the usual espresso drinks, Old Soul pastries and so on—not to mention some awesome breakfast sandwiches; I am in love with the cheesy, savory, peppery bacon and egg sandwich on sourdough, with sliced tomatoes and piquant green onions—but also good for a casual lunch or late-afternoon snack. They do “siesta” specials on weekdays, with discounts on food, beer and wine; they have wine tastings on first Thursdays; and they have panini, salads and other worthy lunch fare. It’s nice to see the relatively underserved areas south of Broadway getting some good meet-up spots. 2743 Franklin Boulevard, (916) 454-4942,