The shape of things

Folding Paper exhibit

Long considered a Japanese craft, origami is a complex medium that draws on math, design, technology and engineering to create new forms.

Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami, a traveling exhibit on display at the Crocker Art Museum through September 29, highlights such art with around 140 pieces by more than 50 international artists.

Here, artists show that folded paper can take the shape of a wearable dress and shoes, spheres and items found in nature, such as Richard Sweeney's “03M (Partial Shell),” pictured, above.

The exhibit examines origami's history and rise as a modern art form, showcasing traditional Japanese and European pieces next to contemporary ones.

An exploration of geometric forms reveals the mathematical roots of origami, while Robert J. Lang's giclée prints show the intricate crease patterns used to create animal shapes.

Éric Joisel's “Pangolin” is only one of several intricately folded pieces created from a single uncut square of paper, and it is the paper choices that are interesting with works created from materials such as ticker tape, paper tape and elephant-hide paper. The tiniest piece is created from a cellophane candy wrapper.

The story of Sadako Sasaki and her folded cranes, now a symbol of peace, is also highlighted. In addition, there are several related events scheduled, including a hands-on paper-engineering workshop at 6 p.m. Thursday, August 29. $5-$10, Crocker Art Museum, 216 O Street;