The Presidents of the United States of America

Love Everybody

8:30 p.m. Monday, September 19; The Boardwalk, 9426 Greenback Lane in Orangevale; $20; all ages.

If you’ve heard the Presidents of the United States of America’s first album and still have its songs going through your head, this new album, complete with freaky-baby cover art, also will grow on you like mold. Proving the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” the new release, Love Everybody, goes for the same catchy, energetic pop-rock sound that distinguished the band’s self-titled debut. The lyrics flowing through these songs range from the weird and funny, in “Some Postman,” to the funny and weird, in “Jennifer’s Jacket.” True, none of these efforts has quite the staying power of older memorables like “Peaches” or “Kitty,” but the album still has enough brainwashing power that if you listen even once, you’ll be humming its tunes for days on end.