The old omnivore

Hey, “carnivores.” I know some of you call yourselves that as a sort of backlash to the interpreted righteousness of vegans. We herbivores aren't necessarily trying to be better than thou, though—we're just excited that we don't support the heartbreaking inhumanity of factory farming animals. And then we keep seeing studies released that say vegetarians live longer, and eating bacon lowers sperm count. Sorry, omnivores, but I am not on any of those research teams, so don't blame me. And now I've just read 28 Days to Younger Skin (Robert Rose, $24.95) by Karen Fischer, who lists the 12 worst things you could eat to make your skin look aged, such as barbecued and red meats, cheese and dairy products, fast food and takeout, deli meats, butter and margarine. But the top 12 foods that help skin look young are all plants. So vegans are going to live longer and look younger while doing it? Hey, don't be mad. I didn't write the book, either.