The big happy

Attention readers! You can help SN&R with a future issue by answering these questions:

(1) Describe a time when you felt true and overwhelming happiness.

(2) What’s the longest stretch of your life during which you were happy? What did it teach you?

(3) If something is blocking you from attaining happiness, describe what it is.

(4) What’s the difference, if there is one, between being happy in the short term and achieving long-term happiness?

(5) Does the state of the world have an impact on your personal happiness? Explain why it does or doesn’t.

(6) If you were standing in front of a classroom of first graders, what would you tell them about happiness? Would it be different from what you’d tell a group of senior citizens?

Your answers might appear in a future SN&R issue on this topic! E-mail your responses by August 2 to SN&R at <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> </script> or send to: SN&R; Happiness Issue; 1015 20th Street; Sacramento, CA 95818. For verification, please include your name, address, age and phone number.