Thanks, Sacramento

Run to Feed the Hungry brings out the best in this town

In the climactic scene of Greta Gerwig’s loving tribute to her hometown, Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson leaves a message on her mother’s phone while images of iconic Sacramento landmarks reel across the screen. It’s an emotional moment—without giving too much away, I can say it’s a long-distance reconciliation in the relationship at the movie’s heart. And, for many at the Tower Theatre showing that we attended, I’m guessing the scene was extra-poignant, because these landmarks have defined their lives as much as Lady Bird’s.

In his review of the film, A.O. Scott of the New York Times says: “I’m tempted to catalog the six different ways the ending can make you cry.” Now, I don’t know if Scott has ever been to Sacramento, but I can testify that one doesn’t have to be a longtime Sacramentan to get choked up by that ending. For me, it was the scenery as much as the story—every one of those icons, from Tower Bridge to Club Raven, is already familiar to me, a newcomer to this marvelous city.

Next week, I will begin my sixth month as a Sacramentan, and last weekend, my wife and I celebrated with a four-day staycation. It began with one of Sac’s proudest traditions: the Run to Feed the Hungry (in our case, the walk to feed the hungry). We joined 29,604 of our new neighbors for the joyous celebration of civic pride and generosity. Moving through our new hometown with the throng, cheered on by volunteers and folks partying along the route, we felt welcomed and blessed. Thanks, Sacramento.

The RTFTH has raised about $925,000 for the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services so far. Please consider contributing at