Second Saturday heads south

Midtown gets all the attention, but Second Saturday does happen in other neighborhoods, too.

Galleries and businesses in the Broadway, Oak Park and Franklin Boulevard corridors have teamed up to the Triangle Arts District, hoping to draw visitors a little bit off the grid.

“It’s a little more family-friendly event,” says Kathy Tescher, executive director for the North Franklin District. Galleries and studios in the Triangle district will be open from 2 to 6 p.m. Highlights include Panama Pottery on 24th Street, Tangent Gallery on Franklin, Beatnik Studios and Sol Collective on (or near) Broadway and Brickhouse Artist Studios in Oak Park. (You can see a full map at the Triangle Arts District page on Facebook.)

Tescher hopes visitors will come for the art and stay for the food. “We think we have adventurous places to eat,” she notes, especially along Broadway and Franklin Boulevard.

Speaking of Franklin food adventures, the strip is getting a boost from a new blog called Eating Franklin Boulevard which documents the “quest to eat from one end of Franklin Boulevard to another,” being undertaken by Patrick Kennedy and his daughter Chelsea. They started at the Broadway end, and stops so far have included the Hideaway Bar & Grill, Gunther’s Ice Cream, and tacos at Mercado Loco. Since Franklin ends somewhere around Elk Grove, there’s a long and tasty road ahead. (Scott’s Burger Shack and Caballo Blanco come to mind.) Follow along at (Cosmo Garvin)