Sample in District 2

Sample in District 2

The voter-registration deadline for the June 5 election is this Monday, May 21. To find registration forms or more information on how to register, visit

North Sacramento has been asked to settle for less for too long. High crime, a staggering unemployment rate and the highest child-death rate in the city—these are among the challenges a new city council member will face in representing the neglected District 2.

Though several worthy candidates are running for this seat, we throw our support to Jason Sample. A pastor, former school-board member and resident of the district since the age of 10, Sample has a heartfelt concern for the poor and working-class citizens of Sacramento’s north side. He’s fought to promote youth programs and keep community centers open. He’s encouraged dropout prevention programs and set up financial and money management for residents in an area that—as he says, has “two banks and 11 check-cashing places.”

Sample, who inherited his pastoral post from his father, seems more interested in education and economic development than in preaching about social issues like gay rights. He’s been a straight-talker about the arena, believing now is not the time to finance an arena on taxpayer dollars.

We are fans of Rob Kerth and fully acknowledge all he’s accomplished over the years for the people of District 2. And we like Kim Mack’s community-organizer energy and belief in creative solutions to problems. But we feel its time for a new force to emerge as the voice of North Sacramento.

Sample is that force. We urge a vote for him.