Retro summer treat

It’s just starting to get warm enough that my thoughts turn to ice cream. Or is that a brain freeze?

In any case, I’m looking forward to a retro treat this summer: ice-cream sandwiches. I used to like to squish melty vanilla ice cream out of the chocolate cookies around it, but my tastes have matured. At The Red Rabbit Kitchen & Bar (2718 J Street), I noticed a honey-and-black-raspberry ice-cream sandwich listed on the chalkboard. Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates (1801 L Street, Suite 60) has transcendent ice creams nestled between large macarons. It’ll definitely be featuring pistachio-lemon and salty-caramel versions.

If you’re feeling creative, you can make your own ice-cream sandwich at What’s the Scoop? (6350 Folsom Boulevard). Choose a cookie flavor and an ice cream, and they’ll make it while you wait. I think Bing cherry between peanut-butter cookies would be a good start. Of course, an old local favorite is the Oatwheel from Gunther’s Ice Cream Shop (2801 Franklin Boulevard). You can’t go wrong with vanilla ice cream, oatmeal cookies and the whole lot covered in chocolate. Mmm … summer!