Purr-fect buzz

Firm and dense like good nugs should be, MediZen’s Grand Daddy Purple is an army-green bud with burnt orange hairs that smells like a gin martini. A taste of strawberry-grape lingers in the background after consumption, and the indica’s aftermath is a pleasant, meditative-like buzz without heavy sedation. It’ll lull you to sleep, not douse you with chloroform like an old-timey cartoon criminal; I spent my high on the couch mesmerized by my cat’s purr as I gave him scratches. At MediZen’s headquarters, the staff is friendly, fast and knowledgeable, ready to find the best cure for what ails you. They even offer their members free massage sessions. If that’s not Zen, I don’t know what is. $40 an eighth, 2201 Northgate Boulevard, Suite H; (916) 564-6625; www.medizencollective.com.