Pucker up for science

If you’re seeking information on kissing techniques or advice about puckering up, look elsewhere. This little book offers exactly what its title suggests: The Science of Kissing. Sheril Kirshenbaum wittily explores theories about the evolutionary beginnings of kissing, arguing that “kissing-like” behavior has been part of our evolutionary heritage. But the reasons for partaking in the occasional nuzzle or lip smack vary transculturally and throughout the animal kingdom. Questions like, “Why do we kiss?” and “How did kissing emerge?” are asked, but never quite answered—which she readily admits. Nevertheless, the kiss’s ancient history is explored, as well as entertaining anecdotes of the neurological happenings that co-occur with a kiss. Science buffs and the everyday reader can enjoy Kirshenbaum’s insightful commentary; the book is informative, but not boring. She ends on quite a romantic note, reminding readers that kissing is universal, and should be shared among those they care about and love the most.