Portrait of the artist

Here’s Fred Dalkey in <i>Self Portrait with Hands on Hips.</i>

Here’s Fred Dalkey in Self Portrait with Hands on Hips.

This spring, the Crocker Art Museum reveals a local treasure with The Art of Fred Dalkey. Dalkey is a native Sacramentan who has spent decades at Sacramento City College shaping the artistic expression of Sacramento’s youth. You have until May 12 to view the exhibit, which represents 30 years of work, but if you want the inside scoop on Dalkey, be sure to attend his talk this Thursday at 7 p.m. He’ll speak about inspiration and his sequential process of creation before hosting a discussion in the gallery. Those who prefer hands-on adventures can experiment with the tools used by Dalkey to create their own impromptu works of genius, noon to 3 p.m. Saturday. Free with museum admission. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St. Call 264-5423 for info.