Ponder the magic of pomelos

I’m curious about all kinds of food, but lately I’ve been learning more about Singapore’s cuisine. A new acquaintance grew up there and has been schooling me on its wide-ranging flavor influences.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any restaurants in Sacramento featuring the food of Singapore, but fortunately, we do grow some similar ingredients. An easy one to find is pomelo. If you’ve ever seen a pomelo tree, it looks like it’s groaning under the weight of volleyball-sized fruits.

The very thick skin and white pith eventually yield an edible area that’s no bigger than an orange. The flavor is generally similar to grapefruit, but drier and less sweet. Considered a symbol of good fortune, pomelos are often eaten for Chinese New Year (much celebrated in Singapore as well).

A quick Thai-influenced salad may contain pomelo segments, shrimp, coconut and chili flakes, with a garnish of peanuts and lime juice.

Take a look again at those mammoth grapefruits you thought you saw at the farmers market or on a nearby tree. They just may be pomelos, looking to bring you some delicious good fortune.