Party with the Greens!

Bear Dyken’s music soothes the savage Green.

Bear Dyken’s music soothes the savage Green.

The California Green Party holds its state meeting in Sacramento this weekend. If you want to learn more about the Green mission, but your butt aches at the thought of sitting through hours of political discussion, then come to the Green Party par-tay! Saturday at 8:30 p.m. the Golden State Museum opens its doors to revelry of the Green persuasion. You can tour the museum by night, dance to the live sounds of the Dyken Soul Penetrators (the newest incarnation of the enviro-activist, solar-powered rock band Clan Dyken) and mingle with Green enthusiasts from far and wide. Admission is $15 if you pre-register by Friday evening or $20 at the door. 1020 O St. Call 484-5888 for more information.