One day helps

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It’s going to be an extraordinary weekend at churches, chapels, synagogues, mosques and tabernacles throughout the region. That’s because the collection plate at many of these houses of worship will be passed on behalf of a bold interfaith effort to raise money for our local homeless population.

The goal of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s One Day to Prevent Homelessness campaign is to raise $400,000 in order to qualify for $1.6 million in matching federal funds. Basically, congregants will be asked to give according to the amount they pay for housing. If they pay $1,000 per month in rent or mortgage, they’ll be asked to contribute $33. If they pay $2,000, they’ll be asked to donate $66. Et cetera. (Those who don’t attend regular religious services are encouraged to join in this campaign, too.)

There are nearly 3,000 homeless people on the streets of Sacramento on any given night. These are individuals and families who need and deserve our support. Please join us in passing the plate.