Of turkey and tamales

SN&R Illustration By Mark Stivers

This issue appears on Thanksgiving Day, which means—I’m guessing—that a few readers are thinking about later holidays. Instead, I’m hoping you’ll all be snacking on leftovers, eating cold gravy with a spoon (uh, not that I know anyone who would do that), having pumpkin pie for breakfast and experimenting with building the perfect sandwich. (I’m partial to toasted sourdough bread, one slice spread with cranberry sauce and the other with some of that cold gravy, and a layering of turkey with maybe a little stuffing thrown in for good measure.) That said, if you are thinking ahead to Christmas, you might want to plan now to attend a class in making the traditional Mexican holiday treat of tamales. It’s being held December 1, 1 -3 p.m., at the East Bay Restaurant Supply Culinary Center, in partnership with Slow Food Sacramento. Tickets ($25 for adults, $10 for kids, $20 for Slow Food members) will be available at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/24160. Purchase by November 27.