Not a macho, macho man

Teddy boys: Young men living in Britain in the 1950s, they possessed a strong aesthetic sense.

Teddy boys: Young men living in Britain in the 1950s, they possessed a strong aesthetic sense.

If you still don’t know what a metrosexual is, you may be the only one. But, for those who have come this far without seeing a single episode of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, here’s the breakdown. The metrosexual is an urban-dwelling, hair-styling, mirror-gazing man who is not afraid to embrace his feminine side. And, though the term may be new, Christopher Brewer, a cultural historian for the London College of Fashion, is here to assure us that the concept is not. Brewer will give a free talk on these urban peacocks and the fascinating history of alternative male fashion at 4 p.m. this Thursday. Those male fashion-emergency victims rejected by Queer Eye should get to 3201 Hart Hall at the University of California, Davis, for some much-needed fashion tips. Call (530) 752-9277 for more information.