Meet the Mormons

Rated 3.0

Director Blair Treu turns documentarian to look at the lives of a diverse group of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: an African-American bishop in Atlanta, a Hawaiian football coach at the U.S. Naval Academy, an amateur kickboxer in Costa Rica, a 92-year-old veteran of the Berlin Airlift, an engineer and humanitarian in Nepal, and a Salt Lake City housewife. An unabashed charm offensive by the LDS Church, the movie is slickly made, with cinematography (by R.J. Hill and Brian Sullivan) as sharp and crisp as the mountain air of Utah (or, for that matter, Costa Rica or Nepal). The subjects are all personable and articulate (sometimes in voice-over translation), and the see-we're-just-regular-people-like-you tone is relentlessly cheerful—and, at times, a bit condescending.