Love, celebrity style

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Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars, including Billy Bob Thornton, Alexandra Shipp and Alice Eve, walked the red carpet at the Napa Valley Film Festival earlier this month. I couldn’t resist asking each actor to share her or his favorite relationship advice. Whether you’re single, married, or dating, these insightful responses will inspire you.

Billy Bob Thornton won an Academy Award for Sling Blade, and a Golden Globe award for Fargo.When I asked for advice, he chuckled. Then he said: “I’m not sure I’m the best person to give relationship advice.” Turns out he’s been married six times, so we could say he’s experienced:

“In romantic relationships, make sure you’re friends first,” Thornton said. “I think that’s the most important thing. You may love somebody but make sure you like them first.”

Alice Eve, best known for her role as Dr. Carol Marcus in Star Trek Into the Darkness, offered relationship advice she would give her younger self: “I would say you don’t need to be in one unless it’s right. It’s better to be single.”

Scott Evans, a correspondent for Access, dove deep when asked why dating is frustrating:

“Anytime you’re experiencing frustration you have to, instead of looking outside, you have to look inside. Take time to inventory: What are these feelings I feel? Frustration? Disappointment? Guilt? Or is it that the desires I have are not the ones I thought I would have at this age. To get into alignment, start with yourself.”

Rosa Salazar appeared in The Maze Runner, and stars in the upcoming cyber-punk film, Alita: Battle Angel. Her advice: “Respect is the number one thing, respect for yourself, and respect for the other person. Never just say anything that you just can’t take back. I’ve learned that from experience.”

Billy Magnussen plays Prince Anders in a live action version of Aladdin, scheduled for release next year. He’s also appeared in Game Night and Into the Woods. “Be there when someone else needs you. You’ll want them to do that for you.”

Alexandra Shipp was featured in Love, Simon and played Storm in X-Men. Her advice is directed to teens.

“You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Be the best version of yourself. It’s OK to make mistakes,” she says. “It’s OK to be wrong, it’s OK to not know what you’re doing as long as you’re trying and doing the best you can.”

As X-men fans know, Tye Sheridan plays Cyclops. And, when it comes to relationships, he’s laser-focused on the communication skills that keep love alive: “Always try to understand where someone is coming from. Think about situations objectively—it helps to find answers,” he says. “It’s OK to admit that you’re wrong because we all make mistakes. The quicker you can acknowledge those, the faster you can work on them, and have a stronger bond with somebody you really love.”

Readers, what’s the best relationship advice you’ve ever received? Post it on the Ask Joey Facebook page this week. Let’s keep inspiring each other toward happier, more fulfilling relationships.

Meditation of the Week

“We often take for granted the very things that deserve our gratitude,” said author Cynthia Ozick. Who or what are you grateful for?