Lock your cars!

The annual summer “Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night” isn’t until August 8, but here in Sacto, we’re already awash in squash. I’ve started my annual attempt to use them in every conceivable way.

Last night’s dinner of pasta with sage pesto, cherry tomatoes, and zucchini slices was a good start. Then I’ll move on to shredding it and sautéing with just a bit of oil and topping with sliced almonds and Parmesan. That’s one I had in New York City years ago and can’t forget. It’s simple and fantastic.

Next will be zucchini bread, of course, and maybe some fried zucchini chips like they make at Lucca Restaurant & Bar (1615 J Street). I could short-circuit the overload by picking off the blossoms and filling them with something zesty, then battering and frying. Or I could just leave them on the vine to turn into baseball bats and supply the budget-weary schools.

By August, I should be ready for leaving them on my neighbor’s porch or the back seat of any unlocked car, and I’ll be sure to head down to the Zucchini Festival in Hayward on August 20.