Letters for September 13, 2018

Re: “Start the press,” by Mark Heckey (News, September 6):

The median income of tenants in Sacramento is $37K. Only a tiny minority would be able to afford these units. Further, the people moving from other places in California are not rich, and can’t afford these units either.

Allison Brennan


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Whither, John Callahan?

Re: “SN&R’s fall movie preview,” by Daniel Barnes and Jim Lane (Feature, September 6):

No mention of Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot starring Joaquin Phoenix as the quadriplegic cartoonist John Callahan, whose work appeared in various alt-weekly publications (including SN&R) in the late-1990s?

Steve Wantabe


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The real ruling class?

Re: “Labor mayday,” by Raheem F. Hosseini (Editor’s Note, September 6):

Heaven forbid the unions actually represent their rank-and-file memberships—as if [Local 1000 SEIU president] Yvonne Walker and her cabal have cared [about] anyone but their ruling clique. Workers walk away from union memberships that do nothing of value for them.

Bill Zauman


via sactoletters@newsreview.com

Go beyond the grid

Re: “Bites beyond the pale,” by Becky Grunewald (Dish, September 6):

Maybe get someone that doesn’t think the world ends at the edge of the grid to do reviews for the rest of Sacramento.

Ben Ecker


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Protect everyone

Re: “Escalating hostilities” by Raheem F. Hosseini (News, August 30):

I am disappointed to see that this has happened. I think this is more than an unjust arrest; this is depicting the larger public issue at hand of the rights of illegal immigrants. I believe that the Bill of Rights should apply to anyone who steps onto U.S soil, whether they are illegal immigrants or not. Thus, in the case of Ontiveros-Cebreros, he should have the right to be protected by the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. ICE agents have violated these rights by not only arresting Ontiveros-Cebreros without a warrant, but possibly creating a bias towards Ontiveros-Cebreros now that others are aware of his illegal status, taking away his right to a fair trial. Furthermore, my belief that immigrants should be protected by the Bill of Rights has been held up in Court. For example, in Fong Yue Ting v. U.S., it was determined that Chinese laborers and other “illegal aliens” alike are entitled to the protections guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. Therefore, Ontiveros-Cebreros is entitled to the protection of the Amendments.

The violation of immigrant rights, such as Ontiveros-Cebreros’s arrest and the internment of immigrant children, will continue to happen if we don’t do anything about it. It’s our duty to speak up and use our power to protect these immigrants who are unable to do it themselves, assuming they wouldn’t know the rights they are entitled to. If you were in their shoes, wouldn’t you want someone to stand up for you?

Lily Trouchon


via sactoletters@newsreview.com