Letters for November 12, 2015

Sac’d State

Re “State of Sac State” by Jeff vonKaenel (SN&R News, November 5):

Sac State was so impacted that as a transfer student with a prior degree, I would have had to wait over a year to begin my studies, so I went to Sonoma State. I am so glad I did! No crime, no fights, no assaults, great teachers and beautiful landscape. I now live in Sacramento again and will commute to Sonoma until my degree is completed. I wouldn't have it any other way. Hopefully Sac State can get their s!&t together soon.

Erica Buchko


We’re not jerks

Re “The jerks next door” by Rachel Leibrock (SN&R Feature Story, October 29):

Yawn. As Gertrude Stein once said about Oakland, “There is no there there.” I started the Nextdoor group in my neighborhood in Sacramento (Holyoke), which currently has 114 neighbors. To date, it has been a positive experience. I have used it to find a reliable handyman and a babysitter. We have advertised our garage sales and used it to promote neighborhood gatherings (our last was an ice-cream social). And, yes, we do post about the occasional strange car or out-of-place individual we may see in the neighborhood. I’m not sure how that is any different than the old email list we had previously, or what people say when they interact in person.

Nextdoor naturally takes on the personality of the active members. It’s not perfect because we’re not perfect. But the implication that us members are jerks is a poor generalization and not true.

Anyway, a boring article and a waste of space about a nonissue if you ask me.

Jon Waldrep
