Letters for May 19, 2011

Paradise lost

Re “Paradise Beach” by Ruthanne Minoru (SN&R Essay, May 12):

Thirty-five years ago, Paradise Beach was indeed wide, clean and sandy with a wonderful beach-volleyball court. Something happened in the ’80s. Maybe the flood of 1986 washed away most of the sand. Now it is a mostly degenerate place as was described in SN&R last week. And it’s no picnic for the River Park neighborhood either, which must endure months of summertime boorishness. With city pools closing, this summer could be the worst yet. Young people from all over the Sacramento area come, park their cars (often illegally), then haul huge quantities of beer over the levee, across the flood plain and to the American River’s edge. They take off almost all their clothes and consume mass quantities of alcohol (in direct violation of city law) while baking their brains. Hours later they stumble back to their cars leaving a trail of detritus. It is a miracle that none of the River Park children have died yet when these soused sun worshippers peel out. Of course not all of our “visitors” fit this category, and Sacramento Police does its best. But during summer, this Paradise is way lost.

Mike Montgomery

Food trucks = history

Re “Food trucks = who cares?” (SN&R Letters, May 12):

Mr. [Daniel] McMasters will need to go further back in history to find the origins of street food and carts. Ancient Rome had them, as did Greece. The ability to get good food quickly and inexpensively is very old.

And standing in line for an hour? I’m sure he’s intelligent enough to realize that the event he was referring to was a one-time deal, and most food trucks have a very quick turnaround.

But I can solve all his problems very easily: “Don’t fret your pretty lil’ head about it, dearie. It does not affect your personal life in the least.”

M. Lahann

Back to satire school!

Re “Food trucks = who cares?” (SN&R Letters, May 12)

Mr. McMasters seems to be confused about the difference between a sit-down meal and a quick and convenient one. He also seems to have a real misunderstanding of Mexican people. Yeah, there is poverty there. There is corruption there. Some areas are far less than appealing visually. The same can be said of many parts of the United States and other areas of the American continent. I doubt Señor McMasters has been anywhere in Mexico besides Tijuana, if at all. Personally, I haven’t been further south than that. I also know not to judge an entire country and people based on observations made years ago while drinking heavily and searching for switchblades and opiates in a very small part of a very big nation. Additionally, even though I have not really been there, there is ample photographic evidence that vast parts of Mexico are absolutely gorgeous, as are many of her citizens. Where Green Day songs and “knee-jerk” liberalism come into play here is beyond me. The notion of a free market and competition has been accepted by reasonable conservatives and even many liberals for a very long time. The letter could be some weak attempt at satire. If so, the writer needs to get his commie, crotchety, elitist butt back to satire school. (It just wasn’t funny.) Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t close with a plug for Señor Burrito.

Ed Hunter

One more conspiracy

Re “An end to war” (SN&R Editorial, May 5):

According to your editorial, Osama bin Laden’s killing was an act of “justice, not vengeance.”

Justice? Really? Do you actually believe that killing an unarmed man who has never been convicted of any significant crime that I know of, never tried for any involvement in 9/11, in a foreign sovereign country that did not give our assassins permission to be there, let alone to kill people (I hear we killed five people in the process), was an act of justice? So much for innocent until proven guilty. And if bin Laden, why not you or me? If this really is what you believe, I, for one, want to hear your explanation.

I’ll leave aside the probability that Osama really died a number of years ago, and the virtual certainty that he was no longer the principal leader of Al Qaeda. The FBI admitted long ago that they had no “hard evidence” linking bin Laden to 9/11. The only linkage I know of is the word of two presidents, neither of whom has told the truth about anything in the last 10 years. That seems to be good enough for a large number of Americans. Is it good enough for you, too?

I applaud your suggestions for our immediate future: accelerating troop withdrawals, embracing pro-democracy rebellions and an end to the war on terror. If you are serious and really want to contribute toward making these things happen, how about supporting a serious investigation into the real truth of 9/11—something this country is still waiting for after 10 years. The results might open a lot of eyes, including yours.

If you want change, why are you doing the Pentagon’s work for it by calling its actions just? Call it what it was. Just plain murder.

Thomas Lambie
Grass Valley

Big benefits from food trucks

Re “What the truck?!” by Nick Miller (SN&R Feature, April 28):

I do not own, nor do I plan to own, a mobile-food business in the near future. I am a dad who stays at home with his kids and a foodie.

It is important that the city of Sacramento and other surrounding cities understand that these trucks are providing great food at affordable prices. With the economy in this state, we need to support as many businesses as we can, and if people can get great food at decent prices, that is a win-win situation.

The brick-and-mortar establishments will not suffer from the mobile-food trucks; in fact, some may find benefits. Maybe you try something at the truck for $6, and then you want to go eat that kind of food at a sit-down place. Hmm … springboard opportunity!

Additionally, with the numerous events we have in Sacramento, having trucks in attendance will be another winning situation. Having the trucks at, say, farmers markets or Concerts in the Park—gee, no-brainer.

Here’s the bottom line: The city needs to change the ordinance, and people need to get out and support these mobile-food vendors. Try it, you’ll like it!

Nick Turney

Defeat McClintock

Re “Dam? No way.” (SN&R Editorial, April 28):

This issue is not going away. Listen to [Rep. Tom] McClintock, who seems to think only he knows best, and to hell with constituents that actually live in California Congressional District 4. He seems to adore Rep. Paul Ryan and the idea of more tax reductions for the wealthy, while killing off Medicare and a host of programs for the poor and middle class.

Time for him to go! Democrats are fools not to target him on 2012. Please!

Curtis Walker
Grass Valley