Letters for March 28, 2019

Re: “Stephon Clark: One year later” by Raheem F. Hosseini (Feature, March 14):

As a former Oak Park resident for nearly a decade, I feel the need to respond to Pastor Damian Chandler’s comments worrying that his sons might one day be victims of a police shooting. Really, it’s very simple. First, don’t run around your neighborhood smashing in car windows. And, more importantly, if the police catch you in the act in the dark of the night and chase you into a backyard, raise your hands and surrender.

Do not curse and advance towards the officers, or extend your arms in their direction in a threatening manner. It’s pitch black, there’s a helicopter hovering above creating voluminous noise and in the heat of the moment that object in your hands may very well be perceived as a deadly weapon. The outcome, though legally justifiable, could once again be tragic.

Dean Espenson

Bowman / via email

A permanent crisis

Re: “The case for homeless shelters” by Jay Schenirer (Essay, March 7):

Crisis? Is that what homelessness in Sacramento is?

The word “crisis” implies a time when a difficult or important decision must be made and infers a temporary situation. Homelessness, however, is a permanent problem here and has no way to improve. There is no political will to resolve it, either. A stupid little shelter here or there is pointless, no matter how much it costs.

What should be done is that the rich, who put people on the streets directly or indirectly, should be forced to pay for a gigantic stadium somewhere on the outskirts of town where all the homeless can stay, no questions asked, and have clean bathrooms and showers and access to healthy food.

The unfortunate homeless who live near many poorer neighborhoods are destroying any and all quality of life for those of us who happen to be fortunate enough to still live indoors.

Victoria Jackson

Sacramento / via email

Be a pro-life party

Re: “Scenes from a dying party?” by Dave Kempa (Feature, February 28):

In the 19th century the Republican party took the controversial stand against slavery when Democrats proclaimed African-Americans kept in slavery weren’t human beings with civil rights. Today Democrats uphold unscientific claims that unborn children aren’t alive human beings until birth, and therefore can be aborted at their mother’s “choice”

Likely there were Republicans in the 19th century who thought standing against slavery would be the death of the Republican Party, and they were wrong. Likewise today, uniting together conservative Christians to be the pro-life party above partisan politics will not mean the death of the Republican Party.

Michelle Kunert

Sacramento / via email

Add to Irish playlist

Re: “Cuts from Celtic survivors” by Scott Thomas Anderson (Arts & Culture, March 14):

Don’t forget the Clancy Brothers’ song, “The Little Beggar Man,” another powerful ditty.

Monika Rose

Angels Camp / via email