Klaatu verada … necktie?

Movies on a Big Screen fundraiser

Punk rock and zombie flicks go together like Bruce Campbell and chainsaws modified to replace a severed hand. Still with me? Come on, keep up people. In the spirit of that beautiful union, six local bands will come together this Saturday to raise funds for Movies on a Big Screen—a.k.a. Shiny Object, Sactown’s best and, actually, only venue for truly indie and cult-classic film screenings. In addition to the performers—Captain Billy’s Whiz Bang (members of the Lizards, Riff Randals and Helper Monkeys), Dead Pony Society, No Admission, Flower Violence, the Disgusteens and Mickie Rat—you can catch Sam Raimi’s comedy of horrors Evil Dead II and its sequel, Army of Darkness. Back before he was shilling for Old Spice, Campbell played Ash—he of the chainsaw stump—a shotgun-wielding, wise-cracking department-store clerk who often found himself battling demons and zombies endowed with copious reserves of bodily fluids. Evil Dead II is heavier on the gore, while Army of Darkness plays up the comedy, but both are exemplars of Raimi’s creative camera and editing techniques, as well as Campbell’s tongue-in-cheek machismo. It’s an all-ages show, and it begins at noon. Tickets are $10. Movies on a Big Screen is located at 600 4th Street in West Sacramento. For more info, visit www.shiny-object.com/screenings.