Instant vegan kitchari

Abundant Roots is also looking to expand beyond local farmers’ markets

Once plagued by myriad health issues—obesity, depression, high blood pressure, sleep apnea—former “meat-and-potatoes” guy Bret Mason found healing through food. Inspired by various health documentaries, he determined “that the human body is not designed to eat animal proteins, [which are] one of the main causes of the disease epidemic in the US.” He went on to embrace Ayurveda, a 3,000-year-old holistic healing practice with Indian roots, which includes eating an entirely plant-based diet. Through Ayurveda, plus yoga practice, he found relief from his various ailments and lost 100 pounds in nine months. Eager to share the benefits of his newfound lifestyle, he founded Abundant Roots. The Roseville-based company’s inaugural product is an organic, just-add-water Kitchari, a mild flavorful broth of lentils, grains and spices said to absorb digestive-tract toxins. Abundant Roots is looking to expand beyond the Folsom and Carmichael farmers’ markets, so keep up on Instagram @AbundantRoots.