Holiday dining with colleagues

illustration by Mark Stivers

The holidays are upon us, which means more eating out with co-workers for holiday parties. While it can be fun to leave the office and festively socialize in a more relaxed space, keep in mind you are with your co-workers and certain decorum must be maintained.

If liquor is being served then stick to a two-drink maximum. Drunk conduct is a surefire way to screw yourself over at work. Avoid anything frilly or shots, as you’ll be seen as frivolous, a lush, or possibly both. Stick to classic cocktails or, better yet, wine.

Don’t be the annoying know-it-all foodie. Yes, your co-workers may know that you’re knowledgeable about food. However, don’t put down the food if you end up going to a nicer chain restaurant because it isn’t Dad’s Kitchen or Hawk’s. In addition, do not be a wine snob and try to amaze your co-workers. Shut up and leave it alone, because more than likely, nobody cares about the nose of the chardonnay.

Tip well, even if the company is getting the bill. Spread the holiday cheer, and make a server’s day. It’ll also be noted by your co-workers. Generosity always scores points.