Happy 420!

SN&R’s resource for Sacramento-area medical-marijuana patients

Longstanding medical-marijuana patient Sandra Yuhre, our cover model, enjoys this sativa-indica mix strain, called Couch, with her husband, who is terminally ill. They’re both patients at Unity Nonprofit Collective, 1832 Tribute Road; <a href=www.unitynpc.org.">

Longstanding medical-marijuana patient Sandra Yuhre, our cover model, enjoys this sativa-indica mix strain, called Couch, with her husband, who is terminally ill. They’re both patients at Unity Nonprofit Collective, 1832 Tribute Road; www.unitynpc.org.

For those readers not in the loop, the term “420” has evolved over the years, beginning as a time of day when cannabis users would universally partake and turning into a de facto counterculture holiday of sorts—April 20—when people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.

And so, for 420 of the year 2010, SN&R felt it was time to print our first-ever 420 Guide, which for the first time lists all of Sacramento’s medical-marijuana dispensaries, in addition to doctors who prescribe cannabis, education facilities, medical-marijuana deliver services and smoke shops, in one handy guide.

There are thousands of medical-marijuana patients in the Sacramento region—no one knows exactly how many. This guide is for them.

Editor: Nick Miller
Cover and layout design: Miles Harley
Cover model: Sandra Yuhre
Copy editors: Kim Brown, Shoka Shafiee
Web: Kelsey Falle