Get Involved

WHO’S GOT THE POWER?: Former Green Party Senatorial candidate Medea Benjamin and Dan Berman, author of Who Owns the Sun?, will address the energy crisis and what we can do to end it without taxpayer bailouts of PG&E. Learn how you can make a difference, 7pm F 2/16. Free. KZ’s Cafe, 17th and K St, Sacramento. For more information, call 447-5264.

SAVE THE PEDESTRIANS: Sacramento leads the state in the number of pedestrian injuries and deaths. Community and state groups are joining together to help make our city safer for all of us. The first meeting of the Pedestrian Safety Summit Series features three local experts on pedestrian safety and legislation, as well as time for neighbors to voice their concerns and network with others interested in not getting run over, 6-8:30pm W 2/21. Free. Clunie Community Center, Rooms B and C, McKinley Park, 601 Alhambra Blvd. For more information, call 444-5864.