Food Stuff

Illustration By Marianne Mancina

In fall, one’s sweet tooth generally turns from ice cream to warm treats like apple crisp. But there’s an exception: seasonal flavors, like pumpkin and (closer to the holidays) peppermint. I love me a good scoop of pumpkin ice cream. I love it even more if it’s lower in fat than most ice creams, so I was excited to see LâLoo’s Goat’s Milk Ice Cream, made in Sonoma, for sale at the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op. Not overly goaty, it’s just the thing for the lactose-intolerant or those who like a little tang with their sweets. I like the lush, dark chocolate and the pretty pumpkin—though I wish the latter had a bigger hit of autumnal spices. For that, try the amusingly named Molasses Tipsycake, which has no discernable booze but does have a deep brown-sugary taste and crumbles of oatmeal cookies. A bowl of it and the pumpkin, topped with caramel sauce, is all the fall flavor any dessert hound needs.