Eight Gigs: Diarrhea Planet

Fri., Nov. 18, 7 p.m., Blue Lamp, $10

Arena-size riffs in a 150-capacity room is a recipe for tinnitus. Nashville’s Diarrhea Planet finally have the most apropos name in modern music. The six-piece make the sort of rock ’n’ roll that goes well with beer showers, tire-burning donuts in an empty parking lot and drinking whiskey in a cornfield. This is the music that dudes who hang brass testicles from their F-150 should be jamming. The latest record, Turn To Gold, finds Diarrhea Planet trying on a dynamic maturity, but gimme 2011 Diarrhea Planet, that “Ghost With a Boner” Diarrhea Planet. 1400 Alhambra Boulevard, http://diarrheaplanet.com.