Eight Gigs: City of Trees Brass Band

Fri., April 3, 9 p.m., Starlite Lounge, $10

Sacramento isn't the town known for its brass bands—that would be New Orleans. Though Sac's City of Trees Brass Band is clearly nodding a hat to the New Orleans second-line-style jazz, it does things differently. Just look at the name—it screams Sacramento right there! It takes an eclectic approach to jazz, mixing in funk, hip-hop, rock and even some dance beats. More importantly, the group has a sense of humor, plays some off-the-wall covers and engages the crowd in all sorts of lively ways. The members love the freedom and spontaneity of playing on the streets, but this Friday, they bring the party to an actual venue. 1517 21st Street, www.facebook.com/CoTBB.