Ease the pain

After spending an entire day on the river, you could find your body pretty banged up. Sore and strained muscles are common when you spend an entire day swimming against currents, climbing rocks and paddling through rapids. To alleviate such muscle aches, South Sacramento Wellness’ budtender recommends Harlequin, a high cannabidiol strain of cannabis. The bud is a sativa-dominant hybrid, but the effects focus more on pain relief and relaxation than head high. Harlequin’s flavor was pleasant with light herbal notes and a comely appearance, but this strain’s primary purpose is clearly for the medicinal qualities. Medicate with a higher THC bud first so as to maximize the pain relief. $15 a gram; South Sacramento Wellness, 7321 Stockton Boulevard; (916) 422-1100; www.southsacwellness.com.