County fairness

2008 El Dorado County Fair

Genny the Genie is county fair magic.

Genny the Genie is county fair magic.

Is there any reason to go to another county fair, like, say, the El Dorado County Fair this weekend? Besides people-watching; livestock events; a destruction derby; cultural dance troupes; comedy shows; a hypnotist; wheelbarrow races; magic shows by a 15-year-old wearing an I Dream of Jeannie costume; and musical performances ranging from rock, R&B, country, drumline, jazz and bluegrass; there’s Gascar barnyard-animal car racing. And while you ponder what that could possibly entail, check out the full schedule of the four-day fair online ( There are even discount days for kids, teens and seniors. And if you’re not into the homing-pigeon demonstrations (why the heck not?), you could always settle for … the emu show? Or the carnival rides; you can ride them until midnight.