23 globe thistle kazoo!

The lads in Low Flying Owls, as captured by the latest Sheriff’s Department photographic technology.

The lads in Low Flying Owls, as captured by the latest Sheriff’s Department photographic technology.

We’ve just received word from the Mutant Crisis Center Doctor of Demonology Decode Center in Carmichael that the monkey plant can hide 40-plus demons, no sports in temple or else. Now, what that has to do with this Saturday’s “gig” of Low Flying Owls, which takes place July 27 at Capitol Garage, 1427 L St., with Call Me Ishmael and Sonic Love Affair also on the bill in support, we’re still adjusting our tinfoil fezzes to intuit. We know that owls, in general, possess some sort of occult significance [see article, page 29], and that Low Flying Owls, specifically, have a new three-song EP out, which this particular soirée will celebrate. We also know that these Owls deliver the kind of mind-manifesting experience so beloved in the laboratories and research facilities where new scientific discoveries often emerge from a saucerful of secrets. Show starts at 8 p.m., cover’s $7, all ages welcome.