All Over The Guy

Rated 2.0 Two gay men (Dan Bucatinsky, who also wrote the script, and Richard Ruccolo) have an on-again-off-again romance while their respective best friends, a straight man (Adam Goldberg) and woman (Sasha Alexander), slide toward marriage. There are a few wan laughs (most of them thanks to Goldberg and his quirky, muttered delivery), but the basic problem is the two central characters: Bucatinsky’s is a whining bore while Ruccolo’s is a superficial bastard, and the two actors have little screen chemistry. Goldberg’s and Alexander’s characters are much more interesting—so are their performances—but director Julie Davis doesn’t see it: she can hardly wait to shove them off-screen and get back to those annoying, self-pitying jerks next door. Christina Ricci and Lisa Kudrow are wasted in cameos.