White House greenery part II

Last week, (Greenspace, Oct. 25) we looked at the Democratic presidential candidates’ take on global warming. Now, it’s the Republicans’ turn.

Rudy Giuliani: He supports addressing global warming primarily as a way to provide energy independence for national security. He says U.S. efforts are lost if the world doesn’t also address climate change. He favors greater reliance on nuclear power, ethanol-based fuels and hybrid vehicles. He is affiliated with a law firm that lobbies for coal-fired power plants. Environmentalists say the firm helped persuade the Bush administration to roll back major provisions of the Clean Air Act. His consulting company has represented energy clients.

Mike Huckabee: Says the United States should move toward energy sources that don’t have a greenhouse gas effect. He says even if science doesn’t support human-caused global warming, we have a spiritual responsibility to be good stewards to the Earth. He supports exploring all avenues of alternative energy and says we should move away from a “fossil fuel culture” within 10 years. If elected, he says he’ll achieve energy independence by the end of his second term. He supports drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Duncan Hunter: Says there is no scientific consensus on global warming, but that “we have lots of reasons to be energy independent.” He says he would reduce taxes to zero for alt-energy sources. He voted to raise automobile fuel standards to 33 mpg by 2015. He voted against a 2003 amendment that would’ve eliminated authorization for oil drilling in ANWR.

John McCain: Says climate change is “real” but that the effort to address it should be global. He says the United States should consider jointing the Kyoto Treaty ("on our terms") if China and India were to sign, as well. He says he’d limit carbon emissions by advancing renewable energy technologies, and he’d reduce dependence on foreign oil. He favors cutting carbon emissions by 30 percent from 2000 to 2050 and capping greenhouse gas emissions at 2000 levels by 2010. He voted against increasing vehicle fuel efficiency standards to 40 mpg by 2015.

Ron Paul: Says there’s no scientific consensus on global warming and that government shouldn’t play a major role in addressing it. He says he’d end hydrocarbon subsidies. He voted against raising vehicle fuel standards to 33 mpg by 2015 and against a bill in 2001 that would have continued to prohibit oil drilling in ANWR.

Mitt Romney: Says the United States shouldn’t act to reduce greenhouse gases unless developing nations do the same. He advocates energy independence and efficiency as a “strategic imperative,” and supports alternative fuels and drilling in ANWR. He backed out of regional pact to curb carbon dioxide emissions from power plants due to concerns the emissions fee would raise electricity rates.

Tom Tancredo: Says there’s no scientific consensus on global warming. He “doesn’t doubt” global warming exists and says “massive immigration” is partly to blame. He told Time magazine, “The fact is, Americans consume more energy than anyone else, so if a person moves here from another country, they automatically become bigger polluters.” He voted against raising car fuel standards to 33 mpg by 2015 and voted against a 2003 amendment to eliminate authorization for drilling in ANWR.

Fred Thompson: Says there’s no scientific consensus on global warming. He has no stated position on the matter other than to say the United States should take a “measured approach to it.” He voted yes on a 2003 amendment to eliminate the authorization for oil drilling in ANWR.