We're here. Let's go on the roof.

Welcome to this week's Reno News & Review.

Here we are in a new era of the Reno News & Review. No more Street Vibrations headaches from the bikers getting up to speed at the Center Street freeway onramp. No more frustration trying to get across town because our city government shuts down major thoroughfares like Fourth Street at the casinos' whim. On the other hand, no more giving tree—we had one outside the building—and no more easy proximity to the university.

Nope, instead we've got easy access to more places to eat than I will ever begin to dine at. We're on the safer side of town for bike riding now, and I may even give it another shot. Our new world headquarters, 405 Marsh Ave., is long but thin, and I think the best part of it is the use of space. We have the whole third floor, which is split by one long hallway. The newsroom is at one end of the hall, the sales bullpen is at the other. In between, on either side of the hall, are offices, some open to the hall, others with doors.

The whole space is filled with natural light. As I look out my office window, which overlooks a lovely parking lot and the backs of some office buildings, I can see the Palladio, the Sands and the big Nevada “N” on the hillside. Just outside my window on a ledge, there is a nest of urban pigeons, which Nanette calls rock doves, but I mostly call air rats. Still, it's kind of nice to have a little evidence of nature that doesn't try to sting me. We've also got wifi and carpetless floors, so while I'm able to stream music all day long now, I've got to keep it down a bit.

I guess the movers found me to be kind of a pack rat. I'm just glad I wasn't here to feel sorry for them while they carried these huge wooden desks up three narrow flights of stairs. I will note that the tape was scratched on my standup desk, and my fan broken. It's cool, though, we've got the air-conditioning working now anyway.