Wedding announcement

Ahora, a local Latino newspaper, has run a marriage announcement for two Reno residents, both men.

The announcement was accompanied by a photo of the two, identified only as Dominic and Hervert, being married by Rev. Denise Cordova.

Ahora editor Mario Dela Rosa said the newspaper does not normally publish wedding announcements, but that this one also served a news purpose.

“We are reporting, we are letting people know that this is happening in Reno,” he said. “One of those two persons is Latino, so that’s important for us to show, to see that we are part of the greater community.”

He said he has gotten no reactions, positive or negative. In part, he attributes that to the placement of the story on page 17. He said front-page items are more likely to draw responses.

Cordova said she was surprised but very pleased by the publication of the item. Ahora has been published since 1983.

The Brattleboro Reformer, a Vermont newspaper, is believed to be the first newspaper to publish same sex-marriage announcements. It has been doing so for 14 years.

A list of hundreds of newspapers that now carry such announcements is posted at