Students housed

According to a press release, the University of Nevada, Reno, has arrived at an agreement with two property companies to lease needed living space for students during the 2020-2021 academic year. Both properties are near campus and were built with students in mind. The first, called Canyon Flats, will house approximately 506 university students and residential staff. The second, Uncommon Reno, will house approximately 330 university students and residential staff.

Nye Hall, which was taken offline after the July 5, 2019 Argenta Hall explosion, will reopen in August 2020, providing an additional 530 beds to students. Argenta Hall is planned to reopen in August 2021.

The combined payment under the lease agreements for Canyon Flats and Uncommon Reno will cost approximately $10.1 million for the academic year. According to the press release, this “amount will be paid primarily from insurance proceeds,” and “housing rates will remain consistent” with the school’s currently published rates.